Back on track

It has been a while since my last post, sorry.

In the last 2 weeks I've learned a lot:
I have the most unattractive bunch of relatives I've seen and not all of them are opposed to incest ... gross.
Doing an across the world move is not as easy as I previously thought.
Time changes suck and are near impossible to get used to.
Buying books online is much easier then looking for English ones in a Dutch country.
and finally, road trips determine how much self control you actually have and how difficult it is sometime to hold your tongue.

I have made it to the Netherlands and I've managed to unpack the first bunch of things I brought over and ordered all my school books. Soon after arriving here I realized one thing; I adore mom's new boyfriend ... he's so cool.

My grandmother decided to come for a visit from Edmonton ... the same day we arrived ... for a month. She is a really sweet woman and very generous but there's a certain issue with volume control that is hard to ignore when one is in a car with her for 3 days ... nonetheless I reminded myself that she means well and we all love her just the same. She's also a huge fan of minatures ... *shudder* ... which brought us to this place:

No, giant people are not taking over the Netherlands ... this is part of an entire miniature exhibit of the Netherlands ... fun right ? Well to some maybe ... me not so much.

We also went on a 3 day road trip, we went from our little home in the Netherlands through to Brussels, Belgium then on to France where we stopped in Nancy and Metz ... among other placed then to Germany where we spent the night in Dusseldorf . On this road trip we stopped for McDonald's in Belgium, Mexican food in France and Italian food in Germany ... oh how we adapt. We did do and see a lot though, here's some of the things we saw :

All in all it was a good trip ... except for a specific shoppe in Luxembourgh.

We were walking along and I saw a gorgeous jacket in a window display, decided to go in ... that was the biggest mistake in life ... she gave me a medium to try on and it was WAY too small ... well there's the first ego hit. When I asked her for a bigger size she told me that was the biggest size they carried ... OUCH. Needless to say the rest of my family got quite a kick out of this ... jerks.