I've recently been introduced to some videos of a man who goes by the name Neg. He hails from the UK and is now quite famous. He's quite the character and his one ... er ... goal is to be as obnoxious as possible. Each "mission" has instructions that he follows and he always strives to do the best he can. I've been quite entertained by all of his videos, they always leave me laughing, the general public has the most interesting ways of reacting to this man. Here's a little sample of what he does.
In exactly 14 days I will be on a plane to my beloved Canada ! It's all very exciting for me. What is even more exciting is that my friends have decided to enter a team in the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life, it's an event that occurs for 12 hours, and a team of 8 to 10 members raises money, then, on the day of the event the teams must walk/run/jog/skip around a track, each team must have 1 member on the track at all times. It's SUCH an amazing event and it is SO much fun.
If you're interested in participating you can look on the Canadian Cancer Society's website or (if you're from the states) the American Cancer Society's website to find an event in your region.
My relay is being held in 23 days. I have never been so excited in my life.
This summer will be my first summer back in Canada after moving away, it's going to be a lot of fun, I'm even meeting up with my mother in British Columbia to go for a hike and a night in a cabin.
In Edmonton I will be seeing the wonderful Laurie in her new house ! I can't wait to see her and her family. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a possible Extreme Badminton Tournament! I will try to keep up with picture posting etc. Have an amazing beginning of summer everyone !
I am currently enrolled in Webster University in Leiden and my friends and family are what keeps me going. I enjoy being creative and doing little things to turn my day from ordinary to extraordinary.