"Hup Holland hup
Laat de leeuw niet in z'n hempie staan
Hup Holland hup
Trek het beessie geen pantoffels aan
Hup Holland hup
Laat je uit 't veld niet slaan
Want de leeuw op voetbalschoenen
Durft de hele wereld aan"
Today Holland plays Brazil in the World Cup, and even from all the way in Canada I can feel the pandemonium via facebook. As I close my eyes I can picture a country painted with orange (or "oranje" as the Dutch say"). Even as an expat I feel the national pride of the great country I live in. The Netherlands have a great deal of national pride right now, even more so than on Queen's Day (they celebrate their Queen's birthday every year), and going into Den Haag then I had never seen so much orange, until the world cup.
To all that I say "Hup Holland Hup" I wish I had brought my orange "Holland" shirt to le Canada.